Keeping Watch over Your Inventory While You Watch Sales Grow.
Protecting inventory and ensuring a safe shopping and working environment is more challenging than ever as customer and staff expectations become increasingly more demanding. Loitering and issues related to unsheltered persons are on the rise. Recent reports indicate that auto thieves are now implementing hi-tech strategies in their surveillance of vulnerable dealer lots and showrooms. These villains can take advantage of weak security installations with their own video recognizance, employing, as just one example, inexpensive wildlife cameras in an effort to identify the ideal time and location for the snatching of your inventory.
The presence of loiterers and other unwanted patrons place an unnecessary indirect cost on businesses because of the difficulties it creates. Many businesses feel the need to employ additional security personnel in order to reduce the impact loiterers and vagrants.
Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) has developed a suite of hardware and software solutions that create an autonomously responding security system. As a bonus it can provide valuable messaging, promote various specials of the day, and enhance the shopping environment for all. RAD solutions enable real-time deterrence to criminal acts, with non-biased autonomous engagement. This means that a RAD device can identify and respond – autonomously. Just like a guard, but without the high cost and related liabilities. Naturally, the platform includes comprehensive messaging, audio options and a host of other features in one simple to install security-in-a-box solution.
- Autonomous responses to intruders and unexpected visitors, or to warmly welcome shoppers on the lot!
- A physical deterrent that is highly visible
- Create non-biased, non-discriminatory, fully-recorded autonomous and remote to situations in progress
- Provide situational awareness to on-site or off-site responders and command staff in real-time – with no IT involvement
RAD’s solutions provide all this – and much more. With a device well-suited for every location indoors and outdoors, RAD solutions offer both a deterrence plus the welcome addition of taking immediate action; whether autonomously or initiated by monitoring personnel or local authorities.
Statistics from the Uniform Crime Reporting Program;
- When vehicles are stolen from an auto dealership, the recovery rate is just 50-60%
- 30% of these recovered vehicles are returned damaged, with an average of $1,500 in damage
- Only 12% of auto theft incidents result in an arrest
RAD devices have been used to protect automotive businesses in additional ways. One dealership was experiencing an issue where a customer had claimed damage to their vehicle occurred while their car was in for service. After installing a single RAD ROSA unit that accurately documented the condition of the suspect vehicle when it came arrived for service, the dealership was able to identify whether damage had actually occurred. This single event gave this one dealership the ability to protect themselves against false claims, and they estimate that it saved at least $25,000 over two years.
NOTE: All RAD devices are designed to be easier to install and deploy, and faster to get to work than any traditional security guard, usually within minutes. It really is as easy as plug the device in (if it requires power), activate it, and watch it go to work. All communications are handled through enhanced cellular connection or Wi-Fi, meaning there is no IT involvement on your side.
SCOT (Security Control Observation Tower) is RAD’s flagship product. Standing over 7’ tall, SCOT is capable of manning and monitoring locations 24/7, and at a fraction of the cost of manned security personnel. The unit’s 360° field of view through four high-positioned, hi-resolution, full-color, always-on digital cameras place eyes on property and periphery unlike any other product.

SCOT can be positioned and engaged to monitor and record both human and vehicle activity in any environment, indoors or outdoors. RAD’s feature of SuspectSpotter uses artificial intelligence for accurate detection of persons – and then can perform a variety of actions based on location, time of day and day of week. Popular SCOT also includes the capability of initiating emergency calls to company staff or remote monitoring personnel with two-way audio and video communications. In the case of an imminent threat or actual emergency, the guest would simply push the unit’s CALL SECURITY button. Immediately, they will be greeted by a remote monitoring officer who could then activate additional device alarms and dispatch additional security or law enforcement, all while capturing every incident detail including, video and recorded audio securely on the cloud.
ROSA (Responsive Observation Security Agent) is a security supplemental device that includes critical autonomous response to help simulate security personnel actions at a fraction of the cost. The device’s 180° field of view through dual hi-resolution, full-color, always-on digital cameras provide 24/7 visibility and monitoring.

ROSA can also be used to recognize and deter loitering. This device’s continually active analytics – all built-in – create an alert based on the end-users’ particular needs. An internal countdown timer is then created, and if the identified people remain in view of the device beyond the established time, an alarm and alert is activated. Furthermore, an on-duty guard or remote monitoring officer would be notified of the incident and then could visually identify these suspicious individuals. Once identified, the guard could initiate an audio announcement through the ROSA device notifying them that they must leave, or the property would take appropriate further actions.

AVA (Autonomous Verified Access) is a compact and mountable unit that seamlessly integrates with all other RAD devices and provides an edge-to-edge 180° field of vision with advanced access control over gates and entries. As easy to install and scale as all RAD hardware, AVA deploys RAD’s innovative artificial intelligence-based technologies to enhance an organization’s situational awareness, communication, and control. AVA takes full advantage of the RAD Software Suite aimed at providing a comprehensive access control package that is ideal for storage yards, parking structures and lots, corporate campuses; anywhere that increased visibility is needed at a fraction of the cost.
ROAMEO (Rugged Observation Assistance Mobile Electronic Officer) is RAD’s latest addition to the lineup. When mobility, speed, and power are needed, ROAMEO is the robot for the job. Innovative from the ground up to its impressive nearly 7’ total height, ROAMEO is an outdoor security robot unlike any deployed to date. ROAMEO takes all of RAD’s industry-leading AI analytics, video surveillance capabilities, and interactive communications and puts them on the move, at speeds of up to 12 mph.

ROAMEO’s 360-degree field-of-view routed through a robust analytic suite, all documented securely on the cloud through enhanced cellular services will allow ROAMEO to map property patrol sites, plan and execute routes, avoid obstacles (i.e., people, trees, power posts), and collect and apply data to further optimize for precision and efficiency.
- Alerts to sales staff when a potential buyer is on the lot or approaches the showroom
- Customer ‘check-in’, let the sales staff know who, when and where a shopper is waiting
- Use of SCOT as a showroom sales kiosk, taking advantage of its interactive web interface to promote inventory
- Sales promotions and special offers advertised on unit’s video screen(s)
- 2-way audio and video with staff and customer on the lot Digital video recording of surveillance area 24/7/365

These RAD solutions will not prevent or stop all crime from occurring, but they certainly will supplement any auto dealer’s efforts to deter, alert, apprehend and eventually prosecute offenders with reduced risk of harm and injury to all personnel, and with great reductions in cost. What these devices will provide in addition to being and extension to your security profile is a new and enhanced shopping experience for your customers.
Plus, all RAD solutions integrate seamlessly into any existing security environment and requirement, and depending upon their configuration, eliminate the need for costly on-site, manned guarding that can save businesses substantially in operational expenses.